Go Gear

A year, a month, maybe even a week from now, when someone puts together a top ten list of blog posting trends they regret participating in or contributing in any way to, this type of inane, self-indulgent, gadget whoring, flickr-tinkering-driven post will undoubtedly be among the top rated. Until then, though (heck, maybe even then), I’m happy to jump on the meme. Besides, I’ve run out of people to show this stuff off to at the office and one needs to gush on occasion.

So, my go gear:

(flickr-noted version)

The matte black Macbook 2.1 is the first notebook I’ve ever personally owned. Not a lightweight by any means, but a hell of a lot lighter than the company issue desktop-replacement type laptops I’ve always avoided having to tote around. With the recent move to Intel processors and after playing around with OSX86 extensively, I figured it was time to give the platform some serious consideration and check out the cult (I own other Macs but none of them for primary use).

I scored the all-black Timbuk2 Blogger bag at the Glorietta branch of the Travel Club (with the help of local distributor Jols Tañada). The Timbuk2s always tend to be bigger than they seem online and this was no exception. But it’s slimmer than most of their other models, feels incredibly robust, and has this cool quick-adjust strap which I’ve found to be extremely useful. Oh, and once you’ve tried vertical-carry messengers, it’s hard to go back.

The rest of the gear’s nothing special: an 80GB USB bus-powered hard drive (surprisingly fast for a 2.5-incher), a Moleskine reporter, a card reader, USB drives, the requisite cables, adapters, keys, etc.

Low-level-geek, urban carry gear.

Showed you mine. What’s in yours?